DEKRA Used Car Report apps
The Used Car Report for use on the go
Good news for all owners of smartphones or tablet computers: the DEKRA Used Car Report is now also available as an app!
DEKRA takes 15 million inspected vehicles in nine vehicle classes and compiles for every vehicle type an individualised fault profile broken down into three mileage ranges. The three typical faults give you an idea of what to look out for when purchasing a used car. With the app, you can find well-grounded information on the quality and safety of your intended purchase.
The benefit to you: Imagine you are visiting the seller and inspecting the potential purchase. Now a quick overview of how well the vehicle type fares in the DEKRA Used Car Report is as close as your pocket. And the convenience does not mean that you have to sacrifice any of the functions offered by the online version.

iPhone / iPod App
The application “DEKRA Used Car Report” can now be downloaded free from the iTunes App Store.

iPad App
The application “DEKRA Used Car Report” can now be downloaded free from the iTunes App Store.